Society is making progress, most things are improving, and Louis vuitton bags are constantly improving the quality of course.LV bag is a most elegant and refined mirror LV Alma bag gold patent leather, metal chain as bags, LV bags can increase the feeling of exquisite fashion, but also can help improve the overall shape of fine clothing degrees. In the twentieth century, mankind has created so many miracles, they are by their wisdom and positive initiative and creativity of mankind has left many valuable assets. Fly wheel still keep the clock running forward, we should firmly believe that hope for tomorrow, on our feet.With the leather processing technology improved, after finishing and imitation leather embossing, can make it beyond recognition, some of the original features are covered, and then cut through the partition and delicate stitching, which is exactly what kind of leather, with the naked eye Almost beyond the louis vuitton sale recognition. Therefore, the fake leather back will be a godsend. The pursuit of profit, very few manufacturers use different leather appearance similarities, substitution or use in the production with the approach, such as the horse hide leather sufficient to charge yak leather yellow leather, sheepskin charge to animal skin … …. In the business, is also common leather hanging “leather”or”leather”logo, individual sales staff to sell your goods, do not do detailed description, leading to incorrect customer mistakenly select options. Leather is almost a household name, well known, however, lack of knowledge is indeed a lot of people. More professional approach described above, the following us introduce some commonly used methods: a touch: the touch the leather surface, if smooth, soft, plump, flexible feel that leather; and general man-made synthetic leather face sorry Astringent, rigid, soft and poor. Second, watch: To observe the real leather face a clearer pores, pattern, yellow leather have a more symmetrical pores, yak skin has coarse pores and sparse, with scaly pores goat, pig skin has coarse pores triangle, The leather, although imitation of the pores on louis vuitton outlet, but not clear.Source from:
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